A participant clarified that not all ghost net and fish cage damages on coral were caused by fishermen 某名与会者澄清,弃置鱼网及鱼笼对珊瑚造成的破坏并非全
For both ( 2 ) & ( 3 ) above , the amount of grant in respect of the rafts , cages or fish stock should not exceed the value of the actual losses in the respective items 项而言,就有关鱼排、鱼笼或海鱼发放的补助金额,不应超过实际损失的价值。
Regarding loss or damage to rafts or cages , only those cases involving loss or damage of at least one - third of the respective current value of the rafts or cages in use will be considered for relief 损失或损毁鱼排或鱼笼的价值,必须分别占所使用鱼排或鱼笼现行价值至少三分之一,才会获考虑给予援助。
Artificial reefs at fish culture zones can also serve the function of enhancing local marine life by providing shelter and enhanced feeding opportunities . fish and marine life attracted to fish culture zones by the biofilters can also help consume excess feed falling through the cage nets , thus reducing pollution 在养殖区的人工鱼礁亦可促进其他海洋生物的繁衍,为鱼类和其他海洋生物提供居所和觅食机会,它们会进食穿过鱼笼掉下的饲料,减少污染。