| 1. | The chinese tend to be smug about old age . 中国人向来以高龄为荣。 |
| 2. | Late maternal age has certainly been implicated in mongolism . 先天愚型就与高龄生产有关。 |
| 3. | The late owner of this estate was a single man who lived to a very advanced age . 这份产业后期的主人是个单身汉,他活到了高龄。 |
| 4. | Above all there was mr. churchill offering a splendid example at the age of 76 . 特别是,七十六岁高龄的邱吉尔先生为大家树立了光辉的榜样。 |
| 5. | Mother had an aunt who lived to a hundred and six and kept her wits until the end . 母亲有位婶娘,活到一百零六岁的高龄,直到老死,神智仍然清醒。 |
| 6. | This compendium of all the old roman virtues died at an advanced age, respected and feared . 这个罗马的一切旧道德的结晶品享尽高龄后在受人敬畏中寿终。 |
| 7. | Rock fragments, including volcanics, are common, and the matrix consists largely of kaolin and illite . 常见有岩石碎块,包括火山岩屑,基质大部分为高龄土和伊利石。 |
| 8. | I feel certain you will die in your bed when you're a hundred and two, with a crowd of descendants weeping round you . 我拿准了你会以102岁的高龄死在床上,有成群的儿孙聚在你身边。 |
| 9. | It was at this time that an inner door opened gently and a very old man entered the chamber, leaning on a staff . 正在这时,一扇通向内室的门徐徐打开,一位高龄老人拄着根手杖走进屋来。 |
| 10. | Elderly swimmer should have a periodic body check 高龄游泳人士应定期检查身体。 |