[ gāogé ] 1.(高大的楼阁) large and tall pavilion, building, etc. 2.(放置书籍、器物的高架子) rack; shelf 短语和例子 束之高阁 bundle sth. up and place it on the top shelf; lay aside and neglect
置诸高阁: pigeonhole; place on a high shelf; have [sth.] shelved and forgotten; put [pay] no attention to it
Example Sentences:
He was glad when he saw the church tower and the lights in the cottage windows . 他看见了教堂的高阁和草房窗户里射出来的亮光,却不由得高兴起来。
On the shelf 置诸高阁
The house was overrun with ivy , its chimney beingenlarged by the boughs of the parasite to the aspect ofthe ruined tower 译文:草房上面爬满了爬山虎,房上的烟囱都叫这种附生植物的枝叶缠得变粗了,看着好像一座废圮了的高阁。