| 1. | Some firms list officers first, in order of seniority . 有些公司则是按照资历顺序,先列高级官员。 |
| 2. | The company's senior executives were insisting on low profiles . 公司的高级官员现在都尽量不抛头露面。 |
| 3. | Germany higher-ups know their game is almost played out . 德国高级官员知道他们几乎已经输光了这场赌博。 |
| 4. | Pentagon brass was concerned that it lacked the firepower to hit it . 五角大楼的高级官员担忧没有足够的弹药攻击它。 |
| 5. | The chairman and senior officers would have bodyguards during any activity . 董事长和高级官员在任何活动中都要带随身保镖。 |
| 6. | Immense relief spread through the high government circles in the united states . 在美国政府的高级官员中弥漫着无限的欣慰之感。 |
| 7. | Why should not they be slated for higher offices? they now frequently asked themselves . 他们现在时常自问到,为什么他们不能被提名作高级官员呢? |
| 8. | The young official added a genuine note of emotion amid the pompous funeral orations . 这位年轻的高级官员,在冗长的葬礼演讲中加了一段充满感情的话。 |
| 9. | He then directed bundy to institute low-level photographic flights and to set up a meeting of top officials . 于是他指示邦迪开始进行低空摄影飞行,并召集高级官员开会。 |
| 10. | Many people, even in high office, rest in the balmy complacence of assurance that science can solve everything . 许多人,甚至高级官员停留在沉醉于自信科学能解决任何问题。 |