柄: Ⅰ名词1.(器物的把儿) handle 短语和例子勺柄 the handle of a ladle; 刀柄 the handle of a knife; 枪柄 butt; stock of gun; 斧柄 the shaft of an axe; helve2.(植物的花、叶或果实跟茎或枝连接部分) stem 短语和例子叶柄 petiole; leaf stalk3.(言行
荣: Ⅰ动词1.(草木茂盛) grow luxuriantly; flourish 短语和例子春荣冬枯 grow in spring and wither in winter2.(草类开花) bloom3.[书面语] (抛弃) throwⅡ形容词1.(茂盛的; 繁荣的) flourishing; luxuriant 短语和例子欣欣向荣 flourishing; thriving;