Heavy colorful painting in yunnan is rising to flow the parties in a painting of yunnan . when painter make the painting , use the pencil or chinese brush - pens first to hang up the line on the high paper , then apply color with the powder of water , heavy colorful the painting absorbs the advantage of chinese painting and western paintings , heavy flavor , mechanism , the color is clear quick and refreshing , very rich adornment result 云南重彩画是崛起于云南的一个绘画流派。画家作画时,先用铅笔或毛笔在高丽纸上勾线,再用水粉上色,重彩画吸取中国画和西洋画的优点,重气韵机理,色彩明快醒目,极富装饰效果。重彩画可在画廊宾馆买到,其中水平参差不,购买者应细查。