| 1. | Development progress of way analogues in cns 5 - hydroxytrypamine receptor imaging agents 一种新型骨显像剂 |
| 2. | Diagnosis of ischemic necrosis of the head of femur with bone schintigraphic imaging 骨显像诊断股骨头缺血性坏死 |
| 3. | Application of skeletal imaging for diagnosis and treatment to patients with prostatic cancer 全身骨显像在前列腺癌诊断及治疗中的应用 |
| 4. | Objective : to describe the normal appearance o the sternal area on bone scintigraphy 摘要目的:探讨各个年龄段正常骨显像胸骨核术分布特征。 |
| 5. | Study of radionuclide bone imaging in diagnosis of skeletal metastases in patients with lung cancer 核素骨显像对肺癌骨转移特点和规律的探讨 |
| 6. | The value of fadionuclide bone imaging in diagnosing 170 cases with bone benign lesion 放射性核素骨显像在骨良性病变中的临床价值附170例分析 |
| 7. | 99mtc - mdp bone scintigraphy for study on repair of femoral eefect caused by microwave - induced hyperthermia in dogs 亚锡亚甲基二磷酸盐骨显像研究微波诱导高温对狗股骨缺损修复作用 |
| 8. | The clinical research of bone scan characterized by hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in patients with pulmonary diseases or metastatic lung cancers 肺性肥大性骨关节病的骨显像研究 |
| 9. | Methods : 120 patients , who did not have symptoms of the sternum or a history of malignancy , underwent whole - body boric scan and were evaluated for characters of sternal uptake 方法: 120例无胸骨疼痛症状及肿瘤病史的患者作为研究对象行全身骨显像,分析其胸骨核素分布特征。 |
| 10. | Results : the total effect rate of pain palliation is 69 . 7 % , the effect rate of prostate and breast cancer to bone attains 87 . 4 % and 75 . 6 % . 55 . 1 % patients primary focuses were proved to be localized or improved through bone imaging 结果: 89锶缓解骨痛的总有效率为69 . 7 % ,对前列腺癌和乳腺癌转移性骨肿瘤患者有效率可达87 . 4 %和75 . 6 % ,骨显像显示55 . 1 %的患者原发病灶局限或改善。 |