Eat very weel , much clientele and whatever you need , they probably sell 今天我自己唱骊歌怎么可再紧
Your song , " farewell , " was dedicated to all the refugees in the world . your singing showed your compassion and tenderness 一曲骊歌献给世界各地难民,您的歌声是苍凉是疼惜,令众弦俱寂。
The book old story of south of city is just like a moving song of life and the plain but far - reaching language of which always takes us back to the childhood 《城南旧事》是一曲深婉的人生骊歌,它平实而深远的文字复原着让人留恋的童年时光。
Without your encouraging insistence during mr . peter boyer s surprise , i would not have sung " farewell song . " thank you for your special encouragement 在音乐会中,当彼得鲍约先生出乎意料的请我即兴演唱,因为有你的鼓励和极力盛邀,我才能唱出骊歌,谢谢你特别的鼓励。
Your devotion in composing , arranging , and conducting " love melody iv " . " farewell song " and " the peace seeker " into such grand compositions is truly admirable . i appreciate your dedication and wish to express my warmest gratitude 你为爱的旋律之四作曲为骊歌及和平追寻者指挥,安排得如此盛大,热诚的精神令人钦佩,谨此表示最诚挚的谢意。
I felt god has truly blessed us . because after the performance , i discovered that your arrangement was almost dutifully obliged by the amateur singer like myself . the last sentences said , read : " won t someone tell me if you ll ever return 注我感觉上帝真正在加持我们,因为在演出之后我才发现节目单上骊歌的歌词最后写是要朗诵谁能告诉我,是否你会再归返?
Thank you for your special encouragement and musical guidance during the wonderful surprise of " farewell song " at the " one world . . . of peach through music " concert on december 18 , 1998 . the arrangement of the song was so beautiful and inspiring 在一九九八年十二月十八日和平之音-四海一心音乐会那个惊喜骊歌的即兴演唱,感谢你特别的鼓励和音乐上的引导,这首歌编排得很美妙动人。
Then came " the peace seeker , " which was subdivided into five separate sections : " winter afternoon , " cannot do a thing with my heart , " he couldn t buy , " farewell song , " and " like a bird , " musical settings of poems by supreme master ching hai by the oscar award winning composer conductor fred karlin . this piece was performed by mel kubik , accompanied by nicole campbell , stevie mercer and the pasadena boys choir with background music provided by a 60 - piece symphony orchestra conducted by peter boyer 接下来是清海诗人之和平追寻者,曲目共有五段:冬午心有何用千金难买骊歌和似孤鸟,由奥斯卡音乐得主菲德卡林谱曲,由梅儿库必克主唱,妮可坎培和史蒂薇梅雪伴唱,由彼得鲍约指挥帕沙第纳男孩圣咏团及六十人大乐团共同演出,此乐曲简洁的表露清海无上师求道和证果之过程。
Many guests were moved to tears as they watched master sing " farewell song . " fellow practitioners were also overcome by emotion , as though they were seeing their mother after a long separation , and hearing her call them her beloved children . all were held spellbound by the heartbreaking and lingering libretto 许多来宾感动得边看边落泪,当录影带中师父亲自演唱的骊歌歌声轻轻响起时,同修更是潸然泪下,那是久别重逢的母亲在呼唤爱儿的呼声,句句震彻心扉声声萦绕耳际。
After the presentations , program host debbie reynolds , along with conductor peter boyer , invited supreme master ching hai to return to the stage for a joint performance with the orchestra conducted by mr . boyer . an unplanned event , it was a joyful surprise when master ching hai accepted their invitation . in a modest and gentle manner , she began singing " farewell song , " with the music and lyrics written by herself 捐款和致谢词之后,节目主持人黛比雷诺以及指挥家彼得鲍约,诚挚地邀请清海无上师重返舞台献唱,并由鲍约先生指挥管弦乐团伴奏,清海师父事前并不知情,然而当她首肯之后,她以优雅的声调演唱她亲自作词作曲的骊歌,全场观众均沈醉于专注聆听的静谧中。