驽骀下驷: a worn-out, old and inferior horse; a stupid person
驽骀之才无志腾骧: old jade like myself has no energy for prancing
Example Sentences:
Xingyi twelve - style boxing is composed of twelve basic fist techniques which form by absorbing the advantages and features of dragon , tiger , monkey , horse , alligator , cock , swallow , sparrow hawk , snake , chinese ostrich , eagle and bear , combining the fist forms , applying the principle of practicality of skillful attack and the method of reflecting the meaning by the shape 形意十二形拳是吸取了龙、虎、猴、马、鸡、燕、鹞、蛇、骀、鹰、熊,十二种动物的特长和特点,结合拳式动作,以技击实用为原则,以象形取意的方法,而串编组成的十二种基本拳法。