驽骀下驷: a worn-out, old and inferior horse; a stupid person
驽骀之才无志腾骧: old jade like myself has no energy for prancing
Example Sentences:
Just think , mia . one more leg and you could ' ve easily outrun your horse 这样想想,米娅,多一条腿你可以更容易的驾驽你的坐骑
Software download heart 驽兽下载
Below is the description of the different types of snow , how they will affect how you ride your snowboard , and how to handle those surfaces 下面的内容包括对不同雪质的描述,以及不同雪质对你驽驾单板的影响,还有如何应对覆盖这种雪的场地。
Obviously , to the clever or the dull by nature , if they are determined to get praiseworthy achievements , they must study hard and practise more 很显然,无论是天资比较聪明的人或走天资比较驽锐的人,如果他们决心要得到值得称违的成就,都必须勤学苦练才行。
It was famed that when the dark was about to the end and the dawn was coming , apollo drove his carriage of gold and ivory reined eight deity horses and brought light and mildness to the human and the world . he also was addresses respectfully the favourer - god of the walker and the voyager 传说每当夜色即将过去,黎明即将来的时候,阿波罗便登上太阳战车,驾驽八匹神马,在天空巡视大地,将光明和温暖带给地球声的人类和万物,他还被尊奉为行路人、航海者的保护神。
However , it is far from enough to sit and have these things , we should turn sight to the world , think when our great sage of the past is in contribution of creating , in be something other country , foolish ancestor of nu in we when being of seclusion , what in be it will be other country 但是,坐拥这些东西是远远不够的,我们应该将目光转向世界,思考当我们的伟大的先贤在创造功绩之时,别的国家在干什么,当我们的愚驽的先人在闭关锁国之时,别的国家又在干什么呢?