Last , an explanation is given to the relation between " instinct compeling " > " materialist conception of history " and " the three represent " 最后本文就劳动的“本能驱迫”要素与唯物史观及“三个代表”之间的联系作了说明。
Then again , the cultre factor of labour is approached out of giving additional remarks to the inevitability in advancing and the difference in rate of advancing which are to the technical - meaning - productivity of labour , first , cultre is ponited out as a dominate factor of labour except " instinct compeling " , next , cultre is distinguished to two types ; knowledge to the labour and ideology to the productive - labour , meanwhile , an explanation is given to the inevitability in advancing which is to the cultre and the reaction of the ideology on knowledge 再继之,本文出于补充说明劳动的技术生产力在进动上有其必然但在进动速率上却有差异的需要,对劳动的文化要素作了探讨,先是指出了文化是除“本能驱迫”之外的劳动要素中居于支配地位的一个要素,次是区分了文化的两个类型即劳动之知识和生产劳动之观念或意识形态,并就文化之必然进动原因以及生产劳动之观念对劳动之知识的反作用作了说明。