[音乐] matouqin, 2-stringed instrument of the mongol nationality; a bowed stringed instrument with a scroll carved like a horse's head, used by the mongol nationality
Mongol stringed instrument was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list in 2006 2006年马头琴已被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。
Mongol stringed instrument is our familiar mongolia bow - stringed instrument , it was popular in thirteenth century 马头琴是我们大家都熟悉的蒙古族弓弦乐器,早在十三世纪初就在蒙古民族中广泛流传。
The site will show you the most typical and moving music instrument of mongolian , morin khuur , and here you can enjoy the music of it . anything about it 本网站致力于展示蒙古民族的传统乐器马头琴,哪里有蒙古人,哪里就有马头琴浑厚优美的声音。
Mongol stringed instrument and long melody play an important part in mongolians ' life , they will play mongol stringed instrument and long melody whether they are happy or sad 马头琴与长调在蒙古人民生活有着举足轻重的作用,无论是欢乐还是悲伤人们都会拉起马头琴唱起长调来,可谓琴如歌歌如琴。
Mongol four - stringed instrument , which is one of the bow - stringed instruments , mongol stringed instrument , mongol three - stringed instrument and flute are called " four parts " , in mongolia minority band 四胡是蒙古族最具代表性的传统弓弦乐器之一,它与马头琴、三弦、笛子共称蒙古族乐队中的“四大件” 。
Through a number of recording tours , pastoral songs " of india , spell casting from sadoo " , orrudindedou " / batokin " which are string instruments of mongolia , gamelan " , ketiak " and jegoku " of bali were recorded 他们带着数字录音机,独自多次到达印度山区,蒙古大草原和巴厘岛的村庄,搜集了包括反映印度的“牧歌” (据说被印度的圣人下过咒) ,蒙古的马头琴之类弦乐器以及巴厘岛的家麦兰等演奏的乐曲。
This instrument union includes bowstring instrument , mongol stringed instrument and pluck instrument , which combines maodun chao er , kouxuanqin and humai and form a creative concept , embody an aesthetic concept that mongolian minority is in harmony with the nature 由蒙古族弓弦乐器马头琴和弹拨乐“图布秀尔”为主奏加以弹唱组合的这首器乐曲,将管乐“冒顿?潮尔” 、口弦琴与“呼麦”等源自天籁之音般的混响溶于一体,整体上产生了一种空灵深邃的意境,同时也体现出蒙古民族天人合一的美学理念。