动词 (做饭做菜) prepare food; cook 衽 [书面语] Ⅰ名词 1.(衣襟) the one or two pieces making up the front of a chinese jacket 2.(睡觉用的席子) sleeping mat 3.(袖子) sleeve Ⅱ动词 1.(睡卧) lie 2.(整理衣襟) put one's clothes in order
The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knife into the rusty crust 精疲力竭的男子和深信灰傻募一锝?话训蹲哟滔蛏?獾耐饪恰
Typical burmese dishes are curry - based and make use of chicken , seafood , and mutton 典型的缅甸熟饪是基于咖哩料理的,菜肴大多以鸡肉海鲜和羊肉为主。
Burmese - the local cuisine is an interesting blend of chinese , indian and local myanmar influence 缅甸当地熟饪受中国熟饪印度熟饪和本地传统熟饪的影响,有趣地混合而成。
The city s cuisine is influenced mainly by the neighboring countries and has therefore inspired various dishes 这座城市的熟饪主要受邻近各国的影响,因而引进了品味俱全的各色菜肴:
Bronze ware , including wine vessels , food vessels , musical instruments , water vessels and weapons , is a fine treasure of the chinese cultural heritage highly respected in the world 青铜器,如酒器、饪食器、乐器、水器和兵器,使中华民族文化遗产中的珍品,为各国人民所崇仰。