| 1. | Studies of three kinds of tao - tie pattern of tile - end unearthed from yanxia capital 燕下都三种饕餮纹半瓦当探微 |
| 2. | Place of birth : charlemagne , quebec , canada astrological education : left high school at the age of 15 缺点:她是一个饕餮者而且有时非常性急,尤其是在早上 |
| 3. | By then , 100 chefs will show their housekeeping skills , to show the audience a feeling feast 届时,百位名厨将拿出自己的看家本领,给观众呈现一场饕餮盛宴。 |
| 4. | Chinese will pay much more cost for their limitless expansion of housing and stomach in the near future 中国人会在不远的将来为自己无节制的住房占地和饕餮大餐付出沉重的代价! |
| 5. | The entire world has seen cine dion literally transform herself from a gifted pre - adolescent into an international superstar 缺点:她是一个饕餮者而且有时非常性急,尤其是在早上 |
| 6. | All the devouring and insatiate monsters imagined since imagination could record itself , are fused in the one realisation , guillotine 自从想象得以实现以来,有关饕餮颟顸不知饱足的种种恶魔的想象便都凝聚在一个发明上了,那发明就是断头台。 |
| 7. | Beijing wintertime real estate trade fair as a final event of the year , it has become the “ christmas ” for beijing ' s developer and consumer since 1999 作为首都房地产市场的年度大盘点,北京冬季房地产展示交易会1999年横空出世,经过多年的发展,已经成为京城购房族的“圣诞饕餮大餐” 。 |
| 8. | Mexican cuisine , including tacos , enchiladas and burritos are now being blended with thai , chinese , vietnamese and other influences to create new delicacies for western gourmands 墨西哥烹调,包括炸玉米饼、辣酱玉米饼和润饼,现在和泰国、中国、越南及其他的文化影响混合,为西方的饕餮们创造出新的佳肴。 |
| 9. | Two standart - setters ? chinese leading record company in original music , kirin kid productions together with the “ chinese cartoon dream factory ” entitled cac company are creating a new - tech based federation of picture and sound 双料旗帜? ?中国原创旗舰唱片公司-麒麟童文化与享有“中国动画梦工厂”之称的新媒体动漫产业联盟盟主-天维源创首次合作,联袂打造“影,音结合”的科技双原创视听饕餮盛宴! |
| 10. | But when thou hadst vanished , and the men who sought thee long brought thee not to thy mother , some one of the envious neighbours said secretly that over water heated to boiling they had hewn asunder with a knife thy limbs , and at the tables had shared among them and eaten sodden fragments of thy flesh 他消失了,那些到处寻找他的人没能让伤心的母亲开怀,嫉妒的邻居悄悄传言:青年已被刀子劈成碎块,放到水中蒸煮到熟,盛上餐桌众人分享,他熟烂的碎块供人饕餮。 |