Spring has no speech , nothing but rustling of and whispering 春天没有言语,只有渐飒和低吟。
We , the rustling leaves , have a voice that answers the storms , but who is you so silent “我们,那飒沓着的叶呵,用这声音答复了暴风雨。而你是谁呢,竟那般缄默着? ”
Ms . sharon ruwart , managing director of elsevier china science technology , provided an introduction to the elsevier supports for 爱思唯尔科技部中国区执行董事卢飒女士介绍了该集团支持中国科研事业发展的有关情况。
However , there is necessity that should be kept on collecting related information and update the database system , because the information , on which the systems were built up is not enough 上诲侮还学陇硕士论文册舶机飒窜故分析然而,由于这两套系统所能够利用的资料不够全面,所以急需将来继续收集相关的资料和更新数据库的内容。
Sharon ruwart , managing director of elsevier science and technology , china , outlined the competition details including the chance for six talented winners to have an all - expenses trip to the uk including visits to leading uk institutes and laboratories 爱思唯尔科技部中国区执行董事卢飒女士扼要概括了活动细则,包括六名优胜者将获得全程赞助的赴英国访问包括一流研究院所及实验室的机会。
As china has been a member of wto and world integration progresses further and further day by day , back the situation of international market conpetition , for the group ' s continuous development and grandness , weisa company has nothing to do but pay more attention to their relations and communication with abroad , set an image of international brand , work hard and seek for more chance without resistance 2005年6月29日中国已经成为wto组织成员,世界一体化进程正日益加深,企业置身在国际化市场竞争的大背景下,更加重视与海外市场的联系与交流,树立国际品牌形象,艰苦奋斗、不懈追求,使威飒集团日益发展壮大。
Mr . li wenqi , both members of the csstj chinese society of science and technology journalism , the event co - organisers , dr julia knights , consul s i in bcg shanghai , mr philip mani , deputy bcg shanghai , and event sponsor sharon ruwart , managing director of elsevier science and technology , china 左起:此次活动协办机构中国科技新闻学会资深会员姚诗煌先生,英国领事馆科技领事那琼博士,中国科技新闻学会资深会员李文淇先生,英国驻上海总领事馆副总领事马凝先生,活动赞助商励德爱思唯尔集团科技部中国区执行董事卢飒女士