| 1. | I got you some pipers 我给你准备了些风笛手 |
| 2. | Scottish regiments have traditionally been led into battle by pipers 按照传统,风笛手被编入英国陆军苏格兰团部队中。 |
| 3. | The piper dress in traditional scottish costume give us a warm welcome 身穿传统苏格兰服装的风笛手们对我们表示热烈欢迎。 |
| 4. | Piper 300 casts master level heroism , 1x per day , 2 hour duration 风笛手300施展大师等级的天赐神力,持续2小时,每天施展1次。 |
| 5. | Bill lark , 85 , who led comrades into action in 1944 , said his hearing was fine despite playing for 70 years 现年85岁的退役老兵拉克1944年加入苏格兰团,成为了一名风笛手。 |
| 6. | In various formal dinners and public ceremonies , the arrival and departure of the vips are often led by pipers and drummers 于隆重晚宴,社交会议或各式典礼当中,主礼嘉宾一般皆是由风笛手带领进场以揭开仪式之序幕 |
| 7. | They have now been banned from practising more than 24 minutes a day outside , and 15 minutes indoors . the rules also apply to drummers 为了保护风笛手的听力,军队最新规定,风笛手每天在户外训练的时间不能超过24分钟,户内训练的时间不能超过15分钟。 |
| 8. | Apart from the above , we can also frequently see in media coverage the performances of pipers and drummers in memorial services or funerals of police officers or soldiers 本公司专门为各界提供风笛手,风笛及军鼓乐队与仪仗队表演服务并提供专业意见 |
| 9. | In terms of social etiquette , this is simply the best way an organizing authority of a formal event can express its gratitude and respect towards its vips 以风笛手现埸演奏并带领嘉宾进场,可避免贵宾于无声无息的情况下出席于仪式或典礼当中,亦可集中与会人仕之焦点 |
| 10. | With the same principle , our piping and drumming services can also be employed to " pipe in " the bride and the groom in a wedding as they are stepping in or out of the church 在婚礼仪式中,于外国普遍流行由风笛手引领新人进出教堂内外,由庄严的风笛手于庄严的婚礼中现埸吹奏被视为极大之祝福 |