Had you a great many smart beaux there ? 你们那儿有许多风流倜傥的情人吗?
He's a man easy in his skin . 他是一个风流倜傥的人。
I tried to do that very difficult thing, imagine old people young again, and invested with the graces of youth . 我试着作一件很难的事:设想老年人又变成了年轻人,恢复了年轻力壮,风流倜傥的风貌。
Like a prince , the waterfall runs in an unrestrained way 都说你风流倜傥,英俊潇洒。
A thousand years has weathered the rock into the shape of a horse , which is neighing up towards the sky 你虽已沉睡千年,依然没变的是你风流倜傥,英俊潇洒。
As we all know , the big wets defiant , merry ti tang , li hongzhi said arrogantly often , only saying that " there is only one local hardware " such blatant big truth , but what happened 我们都知道,这位大才子桀骜不驯,风流倜傥,经常口出狂言,所以才会说出“只有一个地方硬”这样赤裸裸的大实话,但结果又怎么样呢?
No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her feet but rather a manly man with a strong quiet face who had not found his ideal , perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey , and who would understand , take her in his sheltering arms , strain her to him in all the strength of his deep passionate nature and comfort her with a long long kiss 她的意中人并不是将珍贵神奇的爱情献在她脚前的风流倜傥的王子,他毋宁是个刚毅的男子汉神情安详的脸上蕴含着坚强的意志,却还没有找到理想的女子。他的头发也许或多或少已经斑白了,他会理解她,伸出胳膊来保护她,凭着他那深沉多情的天性紧紧搂住她,并用长长的亲吻安慰她。
Sonny crockett is charismatic and flirtatious until - while undercover working with the supplier of the south florida group - he gets romantically entangled with isabella , the chinese - cuban wife of an arms and drugs trafficker . the intensity of this case pushes crockett and tubbs out onto the edge where identity and fabrication become blurred , where cop and player become one - especially for crockett in his romance with isabella and for tubbs in the provocation of an assault on those he loves 另一边厢sonny crockett哥饰则以风流倜傥到处留情的花花公子形象,掩饰卧底身份与南佛罗里达州的一个大毒品组织打交道,后来他搭上一名中国古巴混血儿isabella巩饰,而她的丈夫正是crockett要调查的军火毒品私枭。