Second , being in technology for 30 + years i can attest to the fact that the technology road is bumpy 第二,投身技术领域三十多年,我对技术进步之路的风云突变深有感触。
At the same time , the uncertainty of international outlook has arguably affected the industry worldwide 与此同时,世界格局的风云突变也在影响着国际民航和航空业的未来走势。
It is a fast - developing era for the telecommunication technologies nowadays . the life - period of these products is so short that this market appears fluky 在电信技术一日千里高速发展的今天,高技术手段层出不穷,电信设备的产品生命周期大大缩短,市场风云突变。
For instance , emerson company intends to make guangdong province its largest base of undertakings in china and will carry out such undertakings as logistics , finance and housing in guangdong province . the edf expressed its desire to broaden its cooperation with guangdong province in terms of power construction 据传公元1042年在包公离任途中,本来风和日丽,但船过羚羊峡却风云突变,乌云翻滚。包公感到事有蹊跷,经查有个绅士送的端砚放在船上。包公当即将端砚抛到江里。