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English translation for "颜色指数"

color index

Related Translations:
颜色库:  colour library
颜色样本:  color cardcolor swaches
颜色柔和:  a soft colour
名字颜色:  namecolor - char name color
颜色固化:  ce color solid
投影颜色:  shadow color
颜色加深:  color burn
颜色平衡:  cb color balancecolour balance
瓦片颜色:  tiles color
颜色设置:  color settingscolorze
Example Sentences:
1.Rubber , raw natural . colour index test
2.Raw natural rubber . colour index test
3.Rubber , raw natural - colour index test
4.Raw natural rubber - colour index test
5.Colour comparison were made by using a " shell colouration index " , which indicated the darkness of shells
6.( 2 ) after statistical experiment on color indexes of weed images which were acquired in various illumination intensity , soil humidity and remains coverage , it pointed out that hue and relative color index are insensitive to illumination intensity , soil humidity , remains coverage and shadow , hue and excess green have a distinct contrast between plant and non - plant , but can not be used to identify corn and seed
( 2 )利用自行开发的aoi (感兴趣区域)工具,通过对不同土壤湿度、光照强度和残茬覆盖率下的杂草图像进行颜色指数测定与分析,指出色度及过绿特征对光照强度、土壤湿度、残茬覆盖率、植物阴影的影响不敏感,且在植物与非植物之间存在足够的对比度,但不能用于玉米与杂草,或阔叶杂草与窄叶杂草的识别。
Similar Words:
"颜色直方图" English translation, "颜色值" English translation, "颜色值的数字一个" English translation, "颜色指南卡片" English translation, "颜色指示剂滴定" English translation, "颜色指数测定法" English translation, "颜色置换工具" English translation, "颜色质地等有特点的砖饰面砖" English translation, "颜色治疗" English translation, "颜色重叠" English translation