My command , jon snow reflected ruefully , as much a ruin as it is a stronghold 我的指挥,琼恩雪诺悲伤地想道,就跟这堡垒一样的无力颓败。
In jiaqing period , qing dynasty , without repairing so long time , buddhism guanyin temples condition was getting worse 至清代嘉庆年间,观音寺年久失修,殿宇颓败。
Entering a portal , fastened only by a latch , i stood amidst a space of enclosed ground , from which the wood swept away in a semicircle 颓败的墙壁阴湿碧绿。我进了一扇只不过上了栓惦你的身体十分强壮,不会发狂。 ”
Many items selected for preservation are in poor structural condition . for instance , some old traditional chinese buildings are sadly dilapidated , villages are deserted , and ancient forts fall into ruins and are overgrown by vegetation 古物古迹办事处有意保存的文物中,大都非常破旧,有些古老的传统建筑物已颓败不堪,一些村落亦已荒废,古老的炮台更是一片颓垣败瓦,且杂草丛生。
Apoplexy may lead to disability or beath , is known to be verydangerecus for hyman health . inclinical data , apoplexy is shown to be preventable or curable . the thesis presents the mechansm and the method to avoid the internal infury leading impairment or to the death . morbidity and internal cauce are shown to be the major factors , responsible for the deseace . apoplexy is happening and changing are shown to relate to the age , blood pressuce , mentalith , climate , feeling etc , among which , high blood pressure is shown to the culpril inducing apoplexy 卒中是可以预防或推延发病的,唯需“未病先防,既病防变” ,始可收效.其病因机制是“内伤积损颓败” ,强调内因是主要的,有时是综合因素致病.其发生和变化与年龄、血压、代谢、气候、情绪、饮食等有密切的关系.尤其高血压是诱发卒中的元凶,预防卒中的关键在高血压、小中风、高血脂症等的防治
The story of the revolutionary family goes parallelly with decadent story , new - born revolutionary family is not lack of the phantom of the family doctrine , the old family of in the decline process is filled with the blood affection for the treachery , modem times and tradition , radicalness and conservativeness appears with the perplexity and contradiction in the family novel of the 1990s 革命大家庭的叙事与家族颓败故事的讲述并行不悖,新生的革命家庭不乏家族主义的幽灵,而处于衰败过程中的旧家庭却充满着让叛逆者难以割舍的血缘亲情;现代与传统的汇流,眷恋与决绝的困惑,激进与保守的渗透如此矛盾地出现于世纪之交的家族小说中。
In the beginning , the public revenues , and the resources of rich individuals , sufficed at least to cover italy with splendid edifices , public and private ; but at length so dwindled under the enervating influences of misgovernment , that what remained was not even sufficient to keep those edifices from decay 开始时,财政收入和富人的财力至少还可以在意大利各地修建堂皇的私人建筑或公家建筑,但到了最后,由于管理不善,财力日渐缩小,以致无法使已有的建筑免于颓败。