Ⅰ名词 1.(颈; 脖子) neck 短语和例子 引领而望 crane one's neck to see [for a look]2.(领子; 领口) collar; neckband 短语和例子 衣领 collar of dress; 尖领 v-shaped collar; 竖领 stand-up collar; 软领 soft collar; 翻领 turn-down [turnover] collar; 开领 neckline; 水手领 sailor collar3.(大纲; 要点) outline; main point; gist 短语和例子 纲领 outline; 不得要领 fail to grasp the main pointⅡ动词 1.(带; 引) head; lead; usher 短语和例子 率领代表团 head a delegation; 领客人入座 usher guests to their seats; 她领着外宾参观了工厂。 she showed the foreign visitors round the factory. 一位当地的农民领着游击队员穿过森林。 a local peasant led the guerrillas through the forest.2.(领有) possess; own 短语和例子 占领 occupy; capture3.(领取) receive; get; draw 短语和例子 招领 announce the finding of lost property;认领 claim sth.; 冒领 falsely claim as one's own; 领奖 receive a prize [an award]; 从那时起他一直领退休金。 since then he has been drawing a pension. 土改时每人领得一亩三分地。 during the land reform each person got 1.3 mu of land.4.(接受) accept; take 短语和例子 心领了 appreciate sb.'s kindness; 拜领教益 have the benefit of sb.'s wise counsel5.(了解) understand; comprehend; grasp 短语和例子 心领神会 understand tacitly; readily take a hint6.(领养) adopt 短语和例子 领一个孩子来养 adopt and raise a child; 这孩子是领的。 this child is adopted.Ⅲ形容词 (领有的) under jurisdiction of; in possession of 短语和例子 领海 territorial waters [sea]Ⅳ量词 1.[书面语] (长袍或上衣一件叫一领) a piece of 短语和例子 一领长袍 one gown2.(席一张叫一领) a piece of 短语和例子 一领草席 a straw mat
Related Translations:
大头领: grand master head of an order of knighthood grouof freemasons etc