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English translation for "预约信息"

reserve information

Related Translations:
预约:  1.(预先约定时间) make an appointment 短语和例子门诊预约挂号 make an oppointment with a doctor; 预约会见某人 meet sb. by appointment; 他只根据预约会客。 he will only see visitors by appointment.2.(预订) order; subscribe 短语和
地区性预约:  regional subscription
客户预约:  to make appointments with clients
预约款:  subscription
面谈预约:  interview appointment
做预约:  lesson making appointments
团体预约:  group reservation
预约券:  coupon for a subscription
预约保险:  oc open coverofc open for coveropen coverageopen insuranceopen policy insurance
直接预约:  direct contract
Example Sentences:
1.In twt photonic burst network , the bandwidth granularity is a single timeslot rather than a whole wavelength , so the bandwidth can be used more efficiently ; what is more , the dynamic bandwidth allocation is based on the reservation information of every edge node , so it can meet the challenge of burtsy ip traffic
Similar Words:
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