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English translation for "预存"

◇预存款项 advanced payment

Related Translations:
存油:  oil in storagetrapped fuel
家存:  ienaga
存管理:  inventory
存水量:  storage capacity
存广:  nagahiro
佑存:  sukemasa
张存:  zhang cun
一存:  issonkazumasa
仓存:  portfolio
锁存:  circuit, latchlatch
Example Sentences:
1.Extended stored procedure
2.1 dodd ry . the risk of transfusion - transmitted infection . n engl j med , 1992 , 327 : 419 421
2林剑浩.预存自体输血在风湿病手术中的应用.中华外科杂志, 1993 , 31 : 542 544
3.The telephone bill that puts beforehand is belonged to during preparing to construct , writing down organization expenses likewise is
4.Customers ' who fail to make the promissory deposit are not entitled to buy this product from our company
5.Chinamobile does not provide free calls . customers ' 120 yuan deposit is to be used to pay their own phone bills
6.Government institutions 、 public schools 、 state - run business or publicly listed companies should be exempted from submitting letter of guarantee and depositing reserved postage
7.Realtime video image from vidicon on uav may be matched to digital map stored by image registration technique , which can more precisely orientate object and has higher reliability
8.Microsoft has released a patch that will resolve the hyperterminal saved session can execute malicious code vulnerability that resides in the windows nt4 . 0 operating system . the hyperterminal application is a communications utility that installs by default on all versions of windows nt4 . 0
Microsoft已发行一个补充程式,可解决windows nt4 . 0作业系统中的超级终端机预存工作阶段可执行恶意程式码hyperterminal saved session can execute malicious code弱点。
9.1 this product may with many cameras , the image picture division processor , the television or the monitoring device disposition , may combine the usability to be strong , the price inexpensive center small supermarket factory workshop monitoring photographs the security alarm system ; with the 2 . 4g wireless picture receiving and dispatching system disposition , a monitoring device may the simultaneous reception four wireless cameras picture signals , use automatic , the manual way perform handover or photograph , realizes to the different place surveillance , security , the video recording ; this product and the telephone security digit dialing disposition , after garrisons may automatically dial to save the telephone to report to the police in advance
该产品可与多台摄像机图象画面分割处理器电视机或监视器配置,可组合成实用性强价格低廉的中小超市工厂车间监控拍照防盗报警系统与2 . 4g无线图像收发系统配置,一台监视器可同时接收四台无线摄像机的图像讯号,采用自动手动方式进行切换或拍照,实现对不同地点的监视防盗录像;该产品与电话防盗拨号器配置,设防后可自动拨打预存电话报警。
Similar Words:
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