| 1. | On the textual logic of gu kai - zhi ' s image - spirit theory 顾恺之形神理论的文本逻辑初探 |
| 2. | Seperaiton of landscape painting and gu kaizhi 顾恺之与中国山水画的萌芽 |
| 3. | The talent and art of drawing of gu kaizhi 顾恺之的才气与画术 |
| 4. | Gu kai - zhi ' s philosophy of painting 论顾恺之的绘画思想 |
| 5. | The aesthetic significance of gu kaizhi ' s views on form and spirit in chinese figure paintings 论顾恺之人物画论中形神关系的美学内涵 |
| 6. | Picture of lady officials by gu kaizhi , a top painter of the eastern jin dynasty ( ad 317 - 420 ) , is there 东晋著名画家顾恺之的《女史箴图》也在展品当中。 |
| 7. | It is said to go back to the painter ku k ' ai - chi , who lived in the fourth century ad 现存最早的中国画卷有一卷是根据儒家思想选编的贞妇淑女事迹;据说原本出自公元4世纪的画家顾恺之的手笔。 |
| 8. | Early in jin dynasty , gu kaizhi , with an eye of great artist , highly praised the beauty of mountains and rivers in guiji : 早在晋代,顾恺之用大画家的眼光,盛赞会稽山川之美: “千岩竞秀, |
| 9. | From studying the relations among the painting of goddess luo rhapsody and goddess luo rhapsody and gu kaizhi ' s painting thoughts , it can be inferred that a great painter - gu kaizhi creates a great painting : the painting of goddess luo rhapsody 通过对《洛神赋图》 、 《洛神赋》与顾恺之画学思想的关系的研究,可以做出推论:一代巨匠顾恺之创作了一代名画《洛神赋图》 。 |
| 10. | As these lines are drawn with the supple chinese brush using calligraphy strokes , the lines have a soft feel as well as a rhythmic vigor that is not attainable by the use of pencil , charcoal or other hard instruments . the oldest and the best bai miao is the you su miao or floating gossamer threads by the distinguished artist ku kai chih . he was famous for drawing the outlines of human figure 高古游丝描的顾恺之,他实在是东方绘画中人物画的一种纯以线条白描的高手,其功力丝毫不能取巧,全系真工夫,因须用书法中的篆写的中锋,笔力尤须由始至终一气呵成,不能施波磔于一丝儿的舒张,犹如练武中的扎马步,不能传侧左右。 |