[ biānbìrùlǐ ] (辞意深刻透辟) demolish (a writer; writing) with penetrating criticism; penetrating; trenchant; incisive
Example Sentences:
Stevie davies ' introduction [ in ] [ 3 ] this edition is rich with insight about bronte ' s life and the creation of this classic novel 戴惟思为新版写的导言?对勃朗特的生活及这部经典小说?鞭辟入里?见解深厚。
He is capable of using the basic theories of civil law for the detailed and thorough analysis of various types of civil and commercial lawsuits as well as generating judgment of forward - looking vision 能够运用民法的基本理论,对各类民商事案件进行鞭辟入里的分析并作出前瞻性的判断。