烟: Ⅰ名词1.(物质燃烧时产生的气体) smoke 短语和例子毒烟 toxic smoke; 褐烟 brown smoke; 蓝烟 cold smoke; 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。 tall chimneys belch [vomit] forth black smoke. 满屋子都是烟。 the room was full of smoke. 烟从烟囱里袅袅升起。 the sm
物质: matter; substance; material 短语和例子可裂变物质 fissionable material; nuclear materials; 物质以三种形态存在: 固态、 液态和气态。 matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.; 物质不灭定律 the law of conservation