| 1. | Thunderous rumbling shakes the hull . 雷鸣般的隆隆声冲击着潜艇的外壳。 |
| 2. | The stillness was rent by thunderous applause . 雷鸣般的掌声打破了寂静。 |
| 3. | Another flight of jets exploded through sound . 又一队喷气机雷鸣般地突破了音障。 |
| 4. | A voice thundered in my ear . 我耳边响起雷鸣般的讲话声。 |
| 5. | We were positively an assembly of insects during thunder . 我们纯粹是聚集在电闪雷鸣下的一群昆虫。 |
| 6. | At the same time sounds like thunder rocked the warship . 与此同时,战舰还被一种雷鸣般的声音震撼着。 |
| 7. | War thundered and whined around the dugout and battered at the door . 战斗在地下掩蔽部外面雷鸣着,而且猛击着入口。 |
| 8. | The sky had clouded over very quickly. thunder and lighting were promised . 乌云迅速弥漫了天空,接踵而来的将是闪电雷鸣。 |
| 9. | However, their chirrupings will be stilled before long by the thunder of the cannonade . 然而,他们的窃窃私议不久将被雷鸣般的炮声所淹没。 |
| 10. | The explosion, combined with escaping steam, produced an overwhelming noise, deep and thunderous . 爆炸加上漏出的蒸汽产生了压倒一切的噪音,如雷鸣般的深沉。 |