In a ballet performance . i ' d like to watch a solo rather than a group dance 在芭蕾舞演出中,我更喜欢看独舞而不爱看集体舞
Hear the high school student will offer group dancing course , this returns a responsibility ? if have , what be to learn 听说中学生将开设集体舞课程,有这回事吗?假如有,是学些什么啊
The idea of introducing it in schools was inspired primarily by worries over poor health and rising obesity among students 由于对学生健康以及肥胖问题的担忧,有关部门才考虑把集体舞引入学校。
If management staffs of principal cheat seriously , their conduct will be regarded as faults of principal or the third parties 当委托人的管理层集体舞弊到一定程度时,这个行为会被认定是委托人或第三人过错。
Some of them insist that the group dance should be carried out only in schools with strong administration , otherwise they will disagree with the idea 有些家长强调集体舞应该在管理到位的学校开展,否则他们将表示异议。
Ballroom dancing has long been considered a form of healthy exercise in china , with large groups gathering in parks or sports grounds to whirl away to piped - in music 集体舞在中国被认为是一项健康运动,在公园和体育场都可以看到大量的人们随着音乐起舞。
Part i i f you have always despaired about having two left feet , you will love the para para . think line dancing , but with cooler music 如果你老是为自己跳舞时脚步笨拙而感到沮丧,那你一定会爱上啪啦啪啦舞。想象一下排成一排跳舞步简单的集体舞,但却和著很酷的现代音乐。
Familiar songs always accompany dances , forming collective dance and praising unity of various nationalities , love for hometown and joint creation of beautiful future life 熟悉的歌曲,伴随舞蹈的始末,改编成集体舞,歌颂了各民族的团结和对家乡的热爱,携手共建未来幸福的生活。
In addition , fellow practitioners from china presented a variety of programs , including original compositions and revised songs devoted to spiritual cultivation and the celebration of master s birthday , and a dance by a group of mongolian dancers performed with sincerity and inspiration . when several chinese martial arts performers demonstrated a dynamic style and amazing dexterity as they executed their moves , the crowd showed its appreciation with loud applause and expressions of awe 中国大陆的同修带来了不少节目,有创作或改编的修行与祝寿歌曲,有蒙古的民族集体舞蹈,诚心创意兼俱当各式中国武术的演出者一举一动间表现出精力充沛及惊人的灵活程度时,观众也不时惊声赞叹鼓掌叫好。