| 1. | Recycle of the fragment resources in the tunnel project 隧洞工程洞碴资源再利用 |
| 2. | The application of artificial neural networks to the tunnel engineering 人工神经网络在隧洞工程应用 |
| 3. | Geological features and safety protection for tunnels at xiluodu hydropower station 溪洛渡水电站隧洞工程地质特性与安全防护 |
| 4. | Using artificial neural network in identification of mechanics paraneters of tunnel ' s wall rock 人工神经网络在隧洞工程围岩力学参数识别中的应用 |
| 5. | Heat insulating measures of aqueduct during construction of dalian diversion water from biliuhe reservoir 大连市引碧北段玉皇庙隧洞工程的施工管理 |
| 6. | The geological condition of and evaluation on the construction of the general trunk tunnel in zhangfeng reservoir 张峰水库总干隧洞工程地质条件及评价 |
| 7. | Application of eh4 electric conductivity imaging system to geological disaster forecasting in hydroelectric tunneling 4电导率成像系统在水电隧洞工程地质灾害预报中的应用 |
| 8. | Study on main engineering geology problems of baixi reservoir diversion project water conveyance tunnel in ningbo city 不平衡报价法在大连引碧玉皇庙隧洞工程投标报价中的应用 |
| 9. | In the tunnel construction , some device were built to monitor the stability of the surrounding rock 论文以隧洞工程为研究对象,应用光纤传感技术,实现了隧洞实时、在线监测。 |
| 10. | During tunnel construction , both the excavation and lining are on the critic path of the line - period of the construction 摘要在隧洞工程施工中,开挖与衬砌均处在关键线路上,占用直线工期。 |