[ suíyùérān ] reconcile oneself to one's situation; accommodate oneself to circumstances; adapt oneself to circumstances; a happy-go-lucky policy; be able to adapt oneself to different circumstances; be at home anywhere; be at peace wherever one goes; be contented and happy wherever one may be; being on land, settle.; being on sea, sail.; feel at home wherever one is;if we cannot get what we like, we have to like what we can get.; make the best of things; on a catch-as-catch-can basis; take the world as you find it; take the rough and smooth in one's stride; take things as they are; take what comes (and be contented)
Well, a girl can be happy anywhere . 嗯,女孩子总可以随遇而安的。
Why don't you just smile and make the best of it ? 你为什么不开朗一点,随遇而安呢?
He does not want a career , he is just drifting . 他不想要个固定职业,只是随遇而安。
One gets used to all things . 人总是随遇而安的。
She seemed very relaxed -- in her natural setting as it were . 她似乎十分悠然自得可以说是有自己随遇而安的天地。
She liked their elegance, their lightness, their lack of emphasis . 她喜欢他们的高雅的仪表,轻松的随遇而安的生活作风。
The macphails, condemned to spend a fortnight of idleness at pago-pago, set about making the best of things . 既然非得在帕果帕果闲住两个星期不可,麦克费尔夫妇只好随遇而安,尽量安排得好一点。
He foresaw that the japanese would multiply and grasp for political power in a way that the more easygoing chinese never would . 他预见到日本人将会以比较随遇而安的华人决不会采取的方式染指和争夺政权。
As to my mind , there is no such thing 任从天断、随遇而安,对我来说并没所谓意外。
Make the best o things the way you find em , says i - that s my motto 我说啊,随遇而安这是我的座右铭。