[ suíbōzhúliú ] swim [sail] with the stream; be carried along by the tide; change according to changing circumstances; dance and sing all weathers; drift with the tide [current; stream]; fall in with the crowd; follow others blindly; follow [go with] the crowd; go with the stream [tide]; on the drift; serve the time [hour]; swim down [with] the stream [the tide]: 遇事要有主见, 决不能随波逐流。 one must have one's own opinions and not drift with the current
遇事要有主见决不能随波逐流: one must have one's own opinions and not drift with the current
Example Sentences:
Leaves fell, lives drifted down ! 树叶子落下来,生命随波逐流而去!
I am not bound to be timid and conventional . 我不必有什么顾虑,也不必随波逐流。
It is easy to go with the tide . 随波逐流是容易的。
One must have one 's own opinions and not drift with the current . 遇事要有主见,决不能随波逐流。
When he listened to yvonne, he could coast contentedly . 在听伊冯唠叨时,他可以不费心思地随波逐流。
So the islands drifted year by year like ships without anchers . 于是,群岛象没有锚的船,年复一年随波逐流。
No one in the interregnum seemed to feel final responsibility, and so matters drifted along . 在新旧总统交替期间,似乎谁也不愿意承担最后的责任,于是事情就这样随波逐流下去了。
The dhow had gone down with them; they were tossing among the rocks and seaweed, so much human drift on the great ocean of death ! 独桅船也和他们一起沉没了,他们此时正在石缝中和海草上飘泊。啊,多少人在死神般的大海上随波逐流!
These lawyers, this jury, this straw-and-water judge, these machinations of fate, did not basically disturb or humble or weaken him . 这些律师,这个陪审团,这个随波逐流的推事,这些命运的暗算都没有从根本上使他觉得不安,或者自卑或者怯弱。