| 1. | Why, will the black footman tell tales ? 怎么?黑人随从会搬弄是非吗? |
| 2. | The attendants went out backwards . 随从倒退着出了房间。 |
| 3. | The sword-handler took the cape, looking up at brett . 随从接过斗篷,一面抬头看看勃莱特。 |
| 4. | He had been lord marchmain's servant in the yeomanry . 他原来在义勇骑兵队给马奇梅因勋爵当随从。 |
| 5. | All his followers, when they saw the young man, shouted for joy . 他的全体随从看到这个青年时,都欢呼起来。 |
| 6. | Soon the attendants returned who had been dispatched to seize bacchus . 不久,派出去抓巴克斯的随从回来了。 |
| 7. | Then with three ships and a number of followers he sailed toward the northwest . 然后他带了一批随从,驾驶三艘船向西北方向航行。 |
| 8. | Wishing to offer a sacrifice to jupiter, he sent his servants to seek pure water for a libation . 他决定祭祀朱庇特,便打发随从去寻找净水做祭奠。 |
| 9. | He took the innumerable bags with which she travelled and scattered them among the attendants . 他拿起她带着旅行的许多袋子,把它们分发给的随从们。 |
| 10. | When virabumi's capital was taken some members of the suite of the chinese envoy were killed there, 当威拉布弥的首都被占领时,中国使团的一些随从人员在那里被害。 |