降: 降动词1.(投降) surrender; capitulate 短语和例子宁死不降 rather die than surrender2.(降伏) subdue; vanquish; tame 短语和例子一物降一物。 there is always one thing to conquer [overcome] another.
降魔: i00fto overcome demons e.g. as the buddha did at his enlightenment
魔: Ⅰ名词(魔鬼) devil; demon; evil spirit; fiend; monster 短语和例子恶魔 demon; devil; evil spirit; 妖魔 evil spirit; demon; 病魔 serious illness; 群魔乱舞 a horde of demons dancing in riotous revelryⅡ形容词(神秘;奇异)