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English translation for "陌生人之间"

between strangers

Related Translations:
深夜陌生人:  strangers in the night
完美陌生人:  perfect stranger
神秘陌生人:  mysterious stranger
黑夜陌生人:  stranger by night
太空陌生人:  space stranger
海滨陌生人:  a stranger at the beachstranger on the shore
第一个陌生人:  the first stranger
陌生人的房子:  house of strangers
莫斯科的陌生人:  like stranger in moscowstranger in moscow
夜晚的陌生人:  strangers in the nighestrangers in the night
Example Sentences:
1.This is probably the most common greeting among strangers
2.I believe in the connection between strangers when they reach out to one another
3.Jennifer , zo , sakura and maria start weird conversation with the strangers
4.But at studio classroom , we believe goodwill between strangers still exists today
但在《空中英语教室》 ,我们相信陌生人之间的善意今日仍然存在。
5.The train journey is a respite in between leaving and arriving that allows strangers a chance to talk to each other
6.Time and weather is the topic that two strangers often begin a conversation . usually people begin to know each other by this way
7." when volunteers help other people , smiling is the best way to make other people understand that the volunteers are ready and sincere , " she said
她说: “在我们帮助他人时,微笑是得到别人信任的最好方式。此外,微笑还能够缩短我们和陌生人之间的距离。 ”
Similar Words:
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