阴: Ⅰ名词1.(中国古代哲学认为宇宙中通贯物质和人事的两大对立面之一) (in chinese philosophy, medicine, etc.) yin, the feminine or negative principle in nature2.(指太阴, 即月亮) the moon 短语和例子阴历 lunar calendar3.(不见阳光的地方) shady pla
Example Sentences:
The spy , who was there to pick up any crumbs he could find or make , did not allow his baffled state to express itself in his sinister face 那密探是来搜罗点面包皮或者制造点什么的,他不愿在他那阴鸷的脸上露出狼狈的样子。
The spy , who was there to pick up any crumbs he could find or make , did not allow his baffled state to express itself in his sinister face ; but , stood with an air of gossiping gallantry , leaning his elbow on madame defarge s little counter , and occasionally sipping his cognac 那密探是来搜罗点面包皮或者制造点什么的。他不愿在他那阴鸷的脸上露出狼狈的样子,只把胳膊肘靠在老板娘的小柜台上,装作一副献献殷勤闲聊闲聊的神态,偶尔啜一口干邑酒。
But , when his nephew , leaning an elbow on the table , covered his eyes thoughtfully and dejectedly with his hand , the fine mask looked at him sideways with a stronger concentration of keenness , closeness , and dislike , than was comportable with its wearer s assumption of indifference 但是,当他的侄子一只手肘靠在桌上,沉思地沮丧地用手遮住眼睛时,那精致的假面却带着跟它所装出的满不在乎的神气很不相同的表情斜睨了他一眼,眼神里凝聚了紧张阴鸷和仇恨。