| 1. | The farce was adapted from the french . 这出闹剧是根据法国原著改编的。 |
| 2. | The audience roared at the farce . 闹剧使观众哄堂大笑。 |
| 3. | The whole caper was unnecessary, in his view . 在他看来,整个这出闹剧都是不必要的。 |
| 4. | Even before dudley found comedy, he discovered music . 达德利发现音乐于前,获知闹剧于后。 |
| 5. | In the final month the whole affair became almost a farce . 在最后一个月中,整个情况几乎变成了一场闹剧。 |
| 6. | His attempts to copy other slapstick comedians who were popular at that time were a failure . 他模仿当时受欢迎的闹剧演员的尝试失败了。 |
| 7. | Melville has abruptly and entirely altered his story; his prose became lushly melodramatic . 在这里梅尔维尔突然把故事改变了,把文章写成热闹的通俗闹剧了。 |
| 8. | Neither of them imagined they could be personally involved in the dubious result of the scenes they witnessed . 他们俩谁也不曾设想,自己会被牵扯进这场他们耳闻目睹的闹剧的含糊不清的结局。 |
| 9. | The whole house was roaring with laughter and applause, and he saw only an ignoble farce that made him sad . 观众看得津津有味,哄堂大笑,不断鼓掌,他却觉得这不过是一出无聊的闹剧,只能使他愁上加愁。 |
| 10. | If they were allowed their own way, every comedy would have a tragic ending, and every tragedy would culminate in a farce . 要是由着他们干的话,每一部喜剧都会有个悲剧性的结局,而每一部悲剧也都以闹剧告终。 |