小人闲居为不善: by doing nothing a mean person learns to do ill
Example Sentences:
He is kicking his heel, as my father would say . 用我父亲的话说,他在闲居。
After the end of her career , she lives in leisure at home 结束了职业生涯后,她闲居在家。
Bear no grudge against the state where you work ; have no feeling of dissatisfaction when you stay at home 无论是在邦国中做事,或是在家中闲居,都没有什么怨恨。 ”
You ' ll be happiest now puttering around your own place . if you don ' t have one , it ' s also a good time to shop for real estate 现在闲居之乐让你最开心,如果还没有自己的窝,现在也是购屋的好时机。
Home stays and visits to museums , essentially different products , are both included in the current popular definition of cultural tourism 在家闲居和参观博物馆的人,这两个有本质不同的产品,居然都属于当代流行的文化旅游的范畴。
Based on the three stages of xin qi - ji ' s life , the ego images , created by xin qi - ji ' s ci , included " building a solid career " , " having unrecognized talents " and " leading a quiet life of a recluse " 根据辛弃疾人生道路的三个阶段,辛词用典塑造的自我形象主要为“建功立业” 、 “怀才不遇”和“退隐闲居”三类。
First laid out in 1509 ad , the garden s scenery is focused on a central pond with various buildings of pavilions , terraces , chambers and towers located by the water or on hillocks in a natural , unsophisticated , and appropriate composition . the garden is most representative of chinese classical gardens in the ming dynasty . the humble administrator s garden covers 4 hectares in northeast suzhou 拙政园座落在苏州城东北部,是苏州明代古园,始建于1509年,明正德年间,园主王献臣取晋代潘岳闲居赋中“筑室种树,灌园鬻蔬,是亦拙者之为政也”之意而命名。