A book that remains shut is but a block 有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。
The exam will be closed - book with no notes allowed 考试将是闭卷考试、不允许携带小抄。
Paper i : choose 2 questions and answer in 3 hours . closed book 卷一:以三小时选答两条题目(闭卷)
A book that remains shut is but a block 有书闭卷不阅读
That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit 好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人获益
The exam falls into four half days , three hours for each subject in written form . no references are permitted 考试分4个半天进行,各科目的考试时间均为3小时,采用闭卷笔答方式。
So it can release the understanding burden of students . at last , we study the evaluation system . we put up a system to evaluate the students . it eludes examination , reading reports and experiment reports 此外,我们改革了考评方式,在闭卷考试的基础上,增加了开放型的读书报告,实验报告;取消了补考,实行了重修制。
Third , the way of experiment , with the planned education experiment ( such as , compared close - book examination in 2000 with open - book examination in 2001 ) , i tested and verified the subject and make a great progress in prospecting effect (三)实验研究法:通过有计划的教育实验(如, 2000年兰州市中考闭卷考试与2001年兰州市中考开卷考试的比较) ,对本研究课题所设定的改革效果进行了实际的验证。