Passing by the looking - glass , she glanced into it 她从镜台旁边经过时,照了一下镜子, “瞧,她就是我! ”
He stood a little while before the glass , smiled at his reflection , and walked towards the other door 他在镜台前伫立了片刻,微微一笑,就向大门口走去。
It should be viewed with a specially designed devicethe zograscopewhich creates an illusion of depth and three - dimensional effect with a series of reflecting mirrors 一种特制的镜台是专门设计给观众欣赏这种版画的。透过镜子的折射,创造出立体效果。
Looking at himself in the looking - glass , and then standing before dolohov in the same attitude he had taken before the looking - glass , he took a glass of wine 他照了一下镜子,装出在镜台前面他所摆出的那个姿势,站到多洛霍夫前面去,手中拿着一杯葡萄酒。
The handsome girl who produced such an irritating and unpleasant effect on every one smiled ; and , obviously unaffected by what had been said to her , she went up to the looking - glass and put her scarf and her hair tidy 貌美的薇拉给了大家一种令人激动的不愉快的印象,但她却微微一笑大家说的话显然对她不发生作用,她向镜台前走去。
After his journey to ryazan , prince andrey began to weary of life in the country ; his former pursuits ceased to interest him , and often sitting alone in his study , he got up , went to the looking - glass and gazed a long while at his own face 在这次旅行之后,安德烈公爵开始觉得在乡下寂寞,他对以前的业务不感兴趣,常常一个人坐在书斋里,常常站起来,走到镜台前,久久地注视自己的面孔。
But when katya brought the dress , princess marya was still sitting motionless before the looking - glass , looking at her own face , and in the looking - glass she saw that there were tears in her eyes and her mouth was quivering , on the point of breaking into sobs 可是当卡佳把那件需要的连衣裙拿来的时候,公爵小姐玛丽亚还是一动不动地坐在镜台前面,端详着自己的脸蛋,卡佳从镜中望见,她的眼睛里噙满着泪水,她的嘴巴颤栗着,快要嚎啕大哭了。