She clashed two pans together to wake us up 她铿铿锵锵作响地敲著两个平底锅叫我们起床。
Clang - clang - clang 锵锵锵!
The discordant tones of the voices and instruments drew nearer , and now droning songs mingled with the sound of the tambourines and cymbals 由喧嚣的人声和锣鼓声交织成的一片噪音愈来愈近。在那鼓声冬冬铙钹锵锵的鸣奏中还夹杂着单调的歌声。
Rostov , riding ahead of them , gave the word : forward ! and drawing out four abreast , the hussars started with a sound of subdued talk , splashing hoofs , and jingling sabres . they trotted along the broad high - road , with birch - trees on each side of it , following the infantry and artillery , who had gone on before 于是,骠骑兵们四人一排沿着两旁长着白桦树的大道,跟在步兵和炮兵后面开拔了,只听见马蹄踩在泥泞的路上的噗哧声,佩刀的锵锵声和轻轻的谈话声。