The great luxury zhu has enjoyed with the olympic project is time 朱锫从奥林匹克项目中享受到的巨大奢侈是旁人所没有的时间。
What makes it a delight , as you get up close , is zhu ' s creative use of unexpected materials 凑近细看,朱锫创造性地运用了建筑材料,出人意表,令人赏心悦目。
Zhu is one of a number of chinese architects who have been able to set up their own studios freely in recent years , and who are keen to invent and develop a modern chinese architecture that plays with , rather than mimics 模仿 , tradition , one that is as independent as it wishes to be from contemporary western practice 朱锫是近年来一帮中国建筑师里可以随意开设自己的工作室的一位,他热衷于创造发展一种现代的中国建筑风格,不去仿效传统,而是嘲弄传统,既希望对当代西方的实践经验有所借鉴,又能突破羁绊,独树一帜。