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English translation for "错乱"

in disorder; in confusion; deranged 短语和例子

Related Translations:
书写错乱:  graphomaniagraphorrheagraphorrhes
错乱错位:  perversion malposition
错乱信息:  garbled message
言语错乱:  paraphasiaspeech disturbance
认知错乱:  cognitive derailment
步伐错乱:  fall out of step
命名错乱:  paranomia
电流错乱:  current hogging
时代错乱:  anachronism
反应错乱:  response dispersion
Example Sentences:
1.This drove me to the verge of distraction .
2.She was agitated .
3.Sir, they are often not universally disordered in their intellects .
4.He pressed the agitated girl into a seat, returned to the outer room and opened the door .
5.Her sight and hearing were no longer channels of information to that poor distracted brain, nor could human voice penetrate to her understanding .
6.He was almost driven out of his mind with anxiety
7.Look , her footwork is off . her serve is a mess
8.We act crazy , insane with anger - -
我们要有疯狂的举动,错乱并且暴躁- -
9.- everything all right with you ? - no , nothing ' s all right
-你还好吗? -不,我的一切都错乱
10.Everything all right with you ? - no , nothing ' s all right
你还好吗? -不,我的一切都错乱
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