English translation for "铿锵 "
[ kēngqiāng ] ring; clang; jingle 短语和例子 铿锵有力 be sonorous and forceful; 歌声铿锵悦耳 sing in sonorous and pleasing voice; 这首诗读起来音调铿锵。 this poem reads sonorous.; this poem is both majestic and sonorous Related Translations:铿锵有力 : be sonorous and forceful
歌声铿锵悦耳 : sing in sonorous and pleasing voice
这首诗读起来音调铿锵 : this poem is both majestic and sonorous
Example Sentences: 1. This poem is both majestic and sonorous . 这首诗读起来音调铿锵 。 2. Their swords clashed together . 他们的剑互击而发铿锵 之声。 3. This poem reads sonorous . 这首诗读起来音调铿锵 。 4. He rumbled his money with his hands in his trousers pockets . 他用两手把裤子口袋里的钱弄得铿锵 作响。 5. He continued, with striking notes of strength, conciliation, and hope . 他用铿锵 有力、充满安抚与希望的语调继续讲了下去。 6. The bleak frost packed and paved the square as with some ringing metal . 惨白的霜冻牢固地铺在广场上,象是铿锵 发响的金属。 7. These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of bartram . 这些时常被人引用的话也可以拿来形容巴特铿锵 有声的散文。 8. In this work i have not embellished with swelling or magnificent words . 在这部著作中,我没有使用铿锵 的章句,夸张而华丽的语言,来加以润饰。 9. Even his voice became quavering and lost its old masterfulness . 他说话的声音已不象当年那样斩钉截铁,铿锵 有力,而是含含混混、结结巴巴、有气无力。 10. The clang and tumult were still going on, and the remorseless fires were burning fiercely as before .铿锵 声和喧嚣声仍在继续,无情的怒火和先前一样凶猛地燃烧着。
Similar Words: "铽忒" English translation , "铿" English translation , "铿然" English translation , "铿然之声" English translation , "铿油" English translation , "铿锵声" English translation , "铿锵声,丁当声,嗄声,音响" English translation , "铿锵有力" English translation , "锃" English translation , "锃亮的" English translation