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English translation for "银行支付"

payment by banker

Related Translations:
支付官:  disbursing officer
支付平衡:  balance of payment
人力支付:  manpower payoff
支付款:  geldpmt=payment
前端支付:  front-end payment
信用证支付:  letter of creditletterofcredit
支付出纳员:  paying teller
部分支付:  part paymentspartial paymentpayments in part
支付体系:  payment systems
支付阵:  pay off matrixpayoff matrix
Example Sentences:
1.The bill was drawn on an american bank .
2.But we ' d need a signed clearance from you -
3.But we ' d need a signed clearance from you - -
但我们需要你签署一份声明以备银行支付时. .
4.Handling fee will be charged by banks for bank draft application
5.Drafts which nominate non - australian banks will be returned for replacement
6.A banker ' s card states that a bank will pay the owner ' s cheques to a stated amount
7.If the application price falls short of this , the investor has to pay the difference to his bank
8.If the application price falls short of this , the investor has to pay the difference to his bank
9.If you let the balance in your bank account fall below100 , you have to pay bank charges
10.In the case of large shipments the importer is required to make partial payments as he sells part of the merchandise
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