rush (ahead) into danger; become reckless in desperation, like an animal at bay; make a reckless move; neck or nothing; risk danger when in desperation; rush hastily into danger; take [undertake] a risk 短语和例子 像这样铤而走险的人是不会有好结果的! no adventurer of this type ever came to a good end
像这样铤而走险的人是不会有好结果的: no adventurer of this type ever came to a good end
Example Sentences:
In many cases the troops had yield to these desperate pleas . 在许多情况下,部队同意了这些铤而走险的请求。
I'll be taking a risk and i don't see why i should take it alone . 我准备铤而走险,但我看不出我为什么非得单干。
Disruptions borne of desperation are cropping up in food-deficit areas . 由于绝望而铤而走险的破坏活动,常发生在粮食不足地区。
Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery . 他虽是个孩子,却已被饥饿和痛苦逼得不顾一切,铤而走险。
Turning on israel over oil would have been a self-defeating act of desperation . 以石油禁运为理由而对以色列施加压力是一种铤而走险、自招失败的行动。
He hated the blackmail, the deceit, the desperation, and the way one always stabbed the enemy in the back . 他讨厌讹诈欺骗手段,铤而走险的方式和暗中伤人的伎俩。
Desperate as the attempt seemed, upon my declaring myself ready to lead the onset on the guard, i found no want of followers who engaged to stand by me . 虽说是铤而走险,可是当我一宣布我准备带头袭击市卫队,就有许多人约定要追随在我左右。
With all this , maybe he ' s just getting desperate 所有的这些事或许说明他要铤而走险了