English translation for "铁木真"
- genghis khan
khublai mongolian cuisine temujin
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | In the middle of the chaos , one of the tribal leaders had a son named temujin 在混乱之中,其中一个部落的首领有个儿子名叫铁木真。 | | 2. | Are you making a parade for this dao ? the clothes is in qing dynasty , related to tiemuzhen , indeed 这不是玄烨的那把刀吗,衣服也是满清的,和铁木真有什么关系? | | 3. | 1189 temujin , the given name of the great mongol emperor , united all the mongol khanligs and he was rewarded with the title as chinggis khaan 1189年,被称为大蒙古皇帝的铁木真,统一了所有的蒙古部落。他被称为成吉思汗。 | | 4. | Genghis khan whose original name is tiemuzhen was a famous historical figure known home and abroad , the creator of mongolian nation and a national hero of mongolian nationality 摘要成吉思汗原名铁木真,是闻名古今中外的著名历史人物,是蒙古汗国的缔造者,蒙古民族的民族英雄。 |
- Similar Words:
- "铁木属" English translation, "铁木苏精" English translation, "铁木辛哥" English translation, "铁木辛哥元帅" English translation, "铁木辛柯" English translation, "铁钠" English translation, "铁钠沸石" English translation, "铁钠根" English translation, "铁钠钾硅石" English translation, "铁钠磷锰矿" English translation