Design and practice of zinc - smelting plant with jarosite process 浅议黄钾铁矾法炼锌厂的设计实践
According to the geological conditions and the corrosive medium composition of the shaft well , the damaging reason and the mechanism of the concrete attack in the intake shaft well of “ 635 ” project are analyzed , and the corrosion - prevention treating method for the shaft well concrete is presented 水利枢纽发电引水洞竖井段围岩中,有黄铁矿脉风化形成的黄钾铁矾化蚀变带通过.经对竖井衬砌混凝土腐蚀破坏机理的分析后认为,必须采用有效的防腐材料,将混凝土与侵蚀介质隔离开来,对竖井混凝土进行防腐蚀处理