钩: Ⅰ名词1.(钩子) hook 短语和例子秤钩儿 steelyard hook; 衣钩 a coat hanger2.(汉字的笔画) hook stroke in chinese characters3.(钩形符号) hook-like mark; tick4.(一种古代兵器) a hook-like sword5.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子钩亮 gou lia
钩骨钩: hamular process of unciform bonehamulus hook of hamatehamulus of hamate bonehamulus of hamatebonehook of hamate boneuncus of hamate bone
Example Sentences:
Coupler connection contour for locomotives and cars 机车车辆自动车钩连接轮廓
Use a metal or carbon fiber pushrod with a plastic ball joint or plastic clevis at each end 使用金属棒或碳纤棒两端以球头或塑胶u形钩连接。
Agricultural vehicles - mechanical connections between towed and towing vehicles - part 2 : specifications for clevis coupling 40 农用车辆.拖挂车和牵引车辆之间的机械连接.第2部分: 40 v型钩连接器规范