| 1. | A steel railway bridge spans the yalu river . 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。 |
| 2. | His eyes were as hard as chilled steel . 他的目光就象冰冷的钢铁般冷酷。 |
| 3. | There was a threat of steel nationalization . 具有实行钢铁国有化的势头。 |
| 4. | The steel workers came out in sympathy with the miners . 钢铁工人声援矿工。 |
| 5. | Then it commenced to rain pieces of steel . 接着,钢铁的碎片象一阵骤雨从天而降。 |
| 6. | An iron proscenium of number frames the tragedy . 数字这座钢铁舞台注定了这出悲剧。 |
| 7. | Wealthy countries restrain the export of scrap iron and steel . 富裕国家限制出口废钢铁。 |
| 8. | He is of steel willness . 他有钢铁般的意志。 |
| 9. | A magnet attracts steel . 磁石吸引钢铁。 |
| 10. | The steel workers went on strike to show support for the miners . 钢铁工人为支持矿工举行了罢工。 |