have passed the examination; one's name was put on the published list of successful candidates.; succeed in the government examination
Example Sentences:
Ones who recite more have more chances to stand out 只有背得越多,离金榜题名才越进一步。
If you are to pass the college entrance examination , i think you should work still harder 你若想上大学(高考金榜题名) ,就应更用功。
They worship and make offerings on various occasions , such as moving , promotions , weddings and any other significant events 无论家庭大事,迁居,喜庆事物,子女金榜题名,或逢年过节…等也都会祭天公和敬祖。
Ruyi s pursuit is ordinary people s millennial wish ; have a welcome rain after a long drought ; met your close firends in alien land ; the wedding festivities night ; the moment of passed the examination 如意的世俗追求,是老百姓的千年宿愿:久旱逢甘霖,他乡遇故知,洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时。世上不如意的事常十有八九,如意者不过一二,岂能尽如人意,但求无愧我心。
This programme tells uplifting stories ranging from the struggles of top - scoring candidates in the final imperial examination to examples of filial piety between kind mothers and good sons . wong yuk man also talks about the customs and practices of the lunar new year , the origins of one hundred chinese surnames and romances between gifted scholars and attractive women . these warm tales passed from generation to generation reveal the triumph of human endeavour in chinese history 内容有关中国历史上为人传颂的美谈佳话,呈现历史事件开心的一面,中国人素以"金榜题名时,洞房花烛夜"为最开心的时刻,因此首集先谈金榜状元,看中国人的读书精神,讲述中国第一个女状元,第一个武状元,最年老的状元,以及文武状元大决战的史实第二集以母慈子孝的孝顺观念为主第三集详谈春节风俗第四集则谈谈百家姓的起源最后一集则以才子佳人的故事,点出中国人传统的爱情观,并看看才子们为博美人垂青而作的绝佳对联。